VNP 21

Income diversification and profitability: evidence from Vietnam banking sector from 2005-2017

By Phung Thien Van (VNP 21) Supervisor: Dr. Vo Xuan Vinh Abstract: In the last few years it has been possible to observe decreasing trend in interest margins of Vietnam commercial banks. At the same time, a number of commercial banks increasingly moved part of their business from interest to fee-earning activities. In this paper, […]

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Assessing foreign aid’s long run contribution to growth in Southeast Asian countries

By Nguyen Kien Truc (VNP 21) Supervisor: Dr. Nguyen Van Ngai Abstract: The research was based on the gap and inspiration for studies on the relationship between foreign aid and economic growth. This study focuses on the relationship between foreign aid and economic growth in 11 Southeast Asian countries from 1960 to 2014. This study […]

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Analysis of substitutability between input factors of grain crop cultivation in Vietnam

By Ha Ngoc Tam (VNP 21) Supervisor: Dr. Pham Khanh Nam Abstract:  Given increasing demand for food, and that land is limited while there is many competitive uses, there is a need to substitute land by other inputs in agriculture. The main objective of this study is to measure the substitutability between the inputs of […]

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Multidimensional poverty in the Southern region of Vietnam

By Truong Dat Anh (VNP 21) Supervisor: Dr. Tran Tien Khai Abstract This thesis researches about multidimensional poverty in rural area of the Southern region of Vietnam. The research scope is 19 provinces, separated into area the Southeast region and the Southwest region. Based on VHLSS 2014 data set of General Statistic Offices of Vietnam, […]

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Innovation and productivity in small and medium enterprises: A case study of Vietnam

By Pham Do Tuong Vy (VNP 21) Supervisor: Dr. Vo Hong Duc Abstract The majority of enterprises in Vietnam is categorized as small and medium sized (SMEs) firms which play an important role to the sustainable growth of the Vietnamese economy. As such, improving the productivity of the SMEs is essentially needed and this request […]

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Likely-dead trans-pacific partnership agreement and Vietnam’s apparel

By Nguyen Thi Tuong Vy (VNP 21) Supervisor: Dr. Le Thanh Loan Abstract The thesis aims to investigate the impact of the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement on Vietnam’s apparel industry. The TPP is a not-yet-in-force agreement and is stiffly opposed by the new president of the United States (US), however it has still received […]

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Factors of consumer’s choices: A reaveled preferences analysis for 3 in 1 coffee

By Nguyen Van Vien (VNP 21) Supervisor: Dr. Truong Dang Thuy Abstract 3in1 coffee is known as an important product of instant coffee market in Vietnam, especially in Ho Chi Minh City. The reason of that comes from the benefits which 3in1 coffee brings to consumers in term of convenience, product quality, and appropriate price. […]

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Inter-relationship between capital structure, free cash flow, diversification and firm performance

By Thai Ba Toan (VNP 21) Supervisor: Dr. Pham Dinh Long Abstract Improving firm performance is always a top concern of companies. The global financial crisis and public – debt crisis in Europe has had a negative impact on the economy of Vietnam, especially on Vietnamese companies. Therefore, the issues of performance enhancement, escaping from stagnating […]

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Outsourcing and total factor productivity: Evidence from Vietnamese small and medium-sized enterprises

By Pham Thi Hoa Tien (VNP 21) Supervisor: Dr. Pham Thi Bich Ngoc Abstract This study aims to examine the impacts of outsourcing activities on firms total factor productivity of 4,549 Vietnamese enterprises by using a panel dataset of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises during the period from 2005 to 2013. It is supposed to contribute […]

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The impact of audit quality on firm performance: Empirical Evidence in Vietnam

By Le Thi Anh Thu (VNP 21) Supervisor: Dr. Le Ho An Chau Abstract This study empirically examines the impact of audit quality on firm performance in Vietnam. Audit quality is considered as an external monitoring factor which objectively affects firm performance. In this thesis, audit quality is measured by three variables including audit rotation, […]

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Parental absence and child labor in Vietnam

By Nguyen Ngoc Minh Thu (VNP 21) Supervisor: Dr. Nguyen Hoang Bao Abstract Child labor is defined as a task which had took out the childhood from children; have an ability to affect negatively on child physical and mental development. These tasks also obstruct child schooling by disposing child from the chance of learning at […]

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Effects of social capital on self-rated life-satisfaction among residents: Evidence from Vietnam

By Truong Ngoc Anh Thu (VNP 21) Supervisor: Dr. Pham Khanh Nam Abstract This dissertation provides an insight into the relationship between self-rated life-satisfaction and social capital, controlling for some demographic and individual characteristics in rural Vietnam as well as tests the theoretical predictions of the social capital investment model from the data of Vietnam […]

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Airline choice for domestic flights in Vietnam: Application of multinomial logit model

By Tran Phuoc Tho (VNP 21) Supervisor: Dr. Truong Dang Thuy Abstract In 2015, Vietnam witnessed the booming of airline industry. The participation of low cost carriers makes the airline market more and more competitive. Understanding the behavior of passengers is essential for any carriers to make their strategic policies. This study employs the multinomial […]

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Determinant of non-performance loans – the case of Vietnamese banking sector

By Truong Ngoc Thanh (VNP 21) Supervisor: Dr. Nguyen Thi Thuy Linh Abstract The main purpose of this study is to examine the determinants of non-performing loans (NPLs) in the case of Vietnamese banking sector by analyzing the unbalanced panel data of 30 Vietnamese banks over the period of 2008 – 2012. Both of macroeconomic […]

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Macro economic determinants of credit risks in the Asean banking system

By Nguyen Chi Thanh (VNP 21) Supervisor: Dr. Nguyen Vu Hong Thai Abstract The impact of credit risk, which is caused by the increase in the non-performing loans (NPLs), on the performance and stability of banking system as well as economic activities have recently raised many interests from researchers and policy makers. Motivated by the […]

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Information sharing, bank penetration and tax evasion in the developing countries

By Vo Manh Tan (VNP 21) Supervisor: Dr. Vo Hong Duc Abstract Tax evasion defines illegal activities which aim to conceal taxable income from tax authorities or to include expenses which are not allowed in order to reduce tax duties. In the developing countries, tax evasion is critical problems and barriers to growth. An extensive […]

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Can public administration explain economic performance: The case of sixty three provinces in Vietnam

By Hoang Hong Quan (VNP 21) Supervisor: Dr. Nguyen Trong Hoai Abstract Economic growth can be explained using fundamental (De facto) cause and proximate (De jure) ones. This study attempt to explore proximate nature which is of elements of economic activities of Vietnam including institutional quality based on cross-province dataset. The methodology adopted is informal […]

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How do womens education and career affect their decision on marriage and motherhood? A case study for Vietnam

By Truong Uyen Phuong (VNP 21) Supervisor: Dr. Truong Dang Thuy Abstract Nowadays, time to marry has been earlier among women in developing countries, and time of entry into first marriage has each particular effect on health issue of women and their children. However, there are not many researches focusing on this area, especially for […]

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Determinants of students’ academic performance: The case of Mekong river data

By Tran Chi Nguyen (VNP 21) Supervisor: Dr. Pham Khanh Nam Abstract This paper focus on examines factors that influence student academic performance in Mekong River Delta, Vietnam. Basing on a survey that is conducted by the author in 2015, 297 students of Can Tho University have filtered to examine. The Education production function of […]

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Corporate governance and ownership on voluntary information disclosure: Case study for listed firms in Ho Chi Minh stock exchange

By Phan Hoa Thao Nguyen (VNP 21) Supervisor: Dr. Vu Viet Quang Abstract Using final sample data of 237 publicly traded firms on HOSE for the study period from 2010 to 2015, the paper investigates the relationship between corporate governance and ownership to voluntary information disclosure in Vietnam. Furthermore, to check significant impact of corporate […]

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Climate change and income diversification in the Mekong river delta: A panel data analysis

By Nguyen Thi Tuyet Nga (VNP 21) Supervisor: Dr. Pham Khanh Nam Abstract The main objective of this study is to analyze the impact of climate change and other socio – economic determinants on the income diversification strategy in Mekong River Delta. The data set is drawn from the VHLSS 2010,2012 and 2014, while climatic […]

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