Assessing foreign aid’s long run contribution to growth in Southeast Asian countries
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- Create Date 03/10/2020
- Last Updated 04/11/2020
Assessing foreign aid's long run contribution to growth in Southeast Asian countries
By Nguyen Kien Truc (VNP 21)
Supervisor: Dr. Nguyen Van Ngai
The research was based on the gap and inspiration for studies on the relationship between foreign aid and economic growth. This study focuses on the relationship between foreign aid and economic growth in 11 Southeast Asian countries from 1960 to 2014. This study draws on data from the World-bank and based on many theories of aid and growth, including the theory of aggregate demand and Cobb-Douglas production function is used to develop the theory. After analyzing, running the data, synthesizing, using the appropriate model, including the fixed effect model, random effect model and the GMM model, foreign aid has positive effect with intermediate variable in aggregate demand model (consumption, investment, government spending) but not directly to growth.
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