Research interests:
Microeconomics, Environmental Economics, Econometrics
- Truong, T., Vic Adamowicz and P. Boxall. 2015. Modelling Non-compensatory Preferences in Environmental Valuation. Resource and Energy Economics 30: 89 –107.
- Jianjun J., J. Chong, T. Truong and L. Lun. 2013. Public Preferences for Cultivated Land Protection in Wenling City, China: A Choice Experiment Study. Land Use Policy 30:337-43.
- Truong, T., Vic Adamowicz and P. Boxall. 2012. Modelling Non-compensatory Preferences in Environmental Valuation. Selected paper at the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) Summer Conference, Asheville, NC, June 4-5.
- Truong, T., Vic Adamowicz and P. Boxall. 2011. Health Risk Perception, Hunting Site Choice and Chronic Wasting Disease: Modelling the Effect of Risk on Preferences and Choice Set Formation Over Time. Selected paper at the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) Summer Conference, Seattle, June 9-10.
- Jianjun J., A. Indab, O. Nabangchang, T. Truong, D. Harder and R.F. Subade. 2010. Valuing marine turtle conservation: A cross-country study in Asian cities. Ecological Economics 69: 2020-26.
- Nabangchang O., J. Jianjun, A. Indab, T. Truong, D. Harder and R.F. Subade. 2008. Mobilizing Resources for Marine Turtle Conservation in Asia: A Cross-country Perspective. ASEAN Economic Bulletin 25(1): 60-69.
- Hess, S., van Beukering, P., Kayharara,G., Mchallo,I., Nyamwihura, G., Pham, N. and T. Thuy. 2007. Are forest dwellers willing to participate in a scheme of Payment for environmental Services: a choice experiment in the Coastal Forest of Tanzania. Working paper. PREM Programme -Institute for Environmental Studies. Vrije University, The Netherlands.
- Chessman, J., Son, T.V.H, Thuy, T.D., Vu, V.D.H. and J. Bennett. 2007. Managing Groundwater Access in the Central Highlands (Tay Nguyen), Viet Nam. ISSN 1832- 7435 Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Research Report No.3.
- Chessman, J., J. Bennett, Son, T.V.H, Thuy, T.D. and V.D.H. Vu. 2007. The Total Economic Value of Sustainable Coffee Irrigation Practices in DakLak, Viet Nam. ISSN 1832-7435 Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Research Report No.5.
- Harder D., J. Jianjun, T. Truong, O. Nabangchang, A. Indab and R.F. Subade. 2006. Hypothetical and Real Willingness To Pay for Marine Turtle Conservation: A Cross Country Comparison in Asia. Presentation at Third World Congress for Environmental Economists in Kyoto, Japan.