Trương Đăng Thụy

Trương Đăng Thụy

Ph.D,University of Alberta, Canada, Canada

Research interests:
Microeconomics, Environmental Economics, Econometrics

  1. Truong, T., Vic Adamowicz and P. Boxall. 2015. Modelling Non-compensatory Preferences in Environmental Valuation. Resource and Energy Economics 30: 89 –107.
  2. Jianjun J., J. Chong, T. Truong and L. Lun. 2013. Public Preferences for Cultivated Land Protection in Wenling City, China: A Choice Experiment Study. Land Use Policy 30:337-43.
  3. Truong, T., Vic Adamowicz and P. Boxall. 2012. Modelling Non-compensatory Preferences in Environmental Valuation. Selected paper at the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) Summer Conference, Asheville, NC, June 4-5.
  4. Truong, T., Vic Adamowicz and P. Boxall. 2011. Health Risk Perception, Hunting Site Choice and Chronic Wasting Disease: Modelling the Effect of Risk on Preferences and Choice Set Formation Over Time. Selected paper at the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) Summer Conference, Seattle, June 9-10.
  5. Jianjun J., A. Indab, O. Nabangchang, T. Truong, D. Harder and R.F. Subade. 2010. Valuing marine turtle conservation: A cross-country study in Asian cities. Ecological Economics 69: 2020-26.
  6. Nabangchang O., J. Jianjun, A. Indab, T. Truong, D. Harder and R.F. Subade. 2008. Mobilizing Resources for Marine Turtle Conservation in Asia: A Cross-country Perspective. ASEAN Economic Bulletin 25(1): 60-69.
  7. Hess, S., van Beukering, P., Kayharara,G., Mchallo,I., Nyamwihura, G., Pham, N. and T. Thuy. 2007. Are forest dwellers willing to participate in a scheme of Payment for environmental Services: a choice experiment in the Coastal Forest of Tanzania. Working paper. PREM Programme -Institute for Environmental Studies. Vrije University, The Netherlands.
  8. Chessman, J., Son, T.V.H, Thuy, T.D., Vu, V.D.H. and J. Bennett. 2007. Managing Groundwater Access in the Central Highlands (Tay Nguyen), Viet Nam. ISSN 1832- 7435 Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Research Report No.3.
  9. Chessman, J., J. Bennett, Son, T.V.H, Thuy, T.D. and V.D.H. Vu. 2007. The Total Economic Value of Sustainable Coffee Irrigation Practices in DakLak, Viet Nam. ISSN 1832-7435 Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Research Report No.5.
  10. Harder D., J. Jianjun, T. Truong, O. Nabangchang, A. Indab and R.F. Subade. 2006. Hypothetical and Real Willingness To Pay for Marine Turtle Conservation: A Cross Country Comparison in Asia. Presentation at Third World Congress for Environmental Economists in Kyoto, Japan.






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