Key factors affecting consumer decision to purchase insurance services in Vietnam
By Dang Dao Hoang Yen (VNP 20) Supervisor: Dr. Nguyen Trong Hoai Abstract: Life insurance market in Vietnam is still very attractive to life insurance companies as it reached insurance premium about US$2.9 in 2017. This insurance market gain good growing momentum and this trend is kept continuing that turns Vietnam to become a promising […]
How to reduce mangrove forest extraction in the Mekong river delta of Vietnam? A common pool resource experiment
By Vu Quang Vinh (VNP 20) Supervisor: Dr. Truong Dang Thuy Abstract Using data from series of experiment in six selected provinces in Southwestern Vietnam in March and April 2015, this thesis aims to analyze the impact of mangrove forest policies and programs on people behavior towards exploring mangrove forest. Common pool resource experiment is […]
The effect of credit growth on credit quality: Evidences of commercial banks in Dong Nai province
By Trinh Hoang Viet (VNP 20) Supervisor: Dr. Vo Hong Duc Abstract This research is conducted to examine and quantify the effect of credit growth on credit quality for the commercial banks in Dong Nai. In relation to this possible effect, theoretical framework of the so–called “three shifts” in the credit market is likely to […]
Can investment strategies beat the market?
By Huynh Nhat Trinh (VNP 20) Supervisor: Dr. Ngo Minh Hai Abstract Over the past three decades, many anomalies, known as investment strategies, have been documented on the global financial markets. However, from 2000s to now, several scholars have shown considerable changes in the magnitude of these excess returns. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis […]
Determinants affect the access to formal – informal credit and its impact on sales growth
By Hoang Quynh Trang (VNP 20) Supervisor: Dr. Truong Dang Thuy Abstract Do different sources of finance make different sales growth? In this study, I used a dataset from Small and Medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in Vietnam in 2013 to explore the determinants affect the probability of access to formal and informal finance and its […]
A comparison of accounting-based bankruptcy prediction models of Altman(1968), Ohlson(1980) and Zmijewski(1984) using Vietnamese listed companies during 2008-2014
By Nguyen Thi Phuong Tram (VNP 20) Supervisor: Dr. Nguyen Thi Thuy Linh Abstract Bankrupt prediction is practical research topic and attracts more attention of debtors, creditors, shareholders and other stakeholders. Moreover, it can be applied in a wide variety of situations to business managers make crucial decision. The bankruptcy prediction models have been developed […]
Determinants underlying incidence and amount of bribery: An evidence from manufacturing firms in Vietnam
By Vu Thi Thuong (VNP 20) Supervisor: Dr. Le Van Chon Abstract Using a panel data set from the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Surveys from 2005 – 2013, this study investigates the factors which influence the incidence of bribery and the size of bribe payment among formal and informal firms in Vietnam. Due to […]
Education-occupation mismatch in Vietnam: Determinants and effects on earnings
By Phan Thi Thanh Thao (VNP 20) Supervisor: Dr. Truong Dang Thuy Abstract We examine the education-occupation mismatch in horizontal and vertical respects; and their impacts on earnings of Vietnamese workers. We start by clarifying definitions and causal reasons of mismatch between education and occupation: in major and level. Analyzing survey data from 267 workers, […]
Nonrenewable, renewable energy consumption and economic performance in OECD countries: A stochastic distance function approach
By Nguyen Thi Ngan Thao (VNP 20) Supervisor: Dr. Le Van Chon Abstract Kyoto Protocol with the target of lowering greenhouse gas emission levels to mitigate the harsh aftermaths of global warming and climate change, primarily caused by fossil fuel using, has put a great pressure on developed countries, including OECD countries, which accounts for […]
Impact of financial liberalization on private savings rate. A panel data analysis
By Le Thanh Thanh (VNP 20) Supervisor: Dr. Nguyen Hoang Bao Abstract This paper investigates the impact of financial liberalization on private savings rate. The study covers the data of 58 countries from 1980 to 2005. The Abiad et al (2008) database was used to measure the financial liberalization indices. Three-Stage Least Squares (3SLS) was […]
Banking industry volatility and economic growth
By Tran Quoc Thanh (VNP 20) Supervisor: Dr. Vo Xuan Vinh Abstract There is growing evidence from multi- studies indicating that there are lots of determinants advocate to economic growth. However, very few research papers contribute to banking sector, vital field of modern economy. It is unclear whether it is appropriate to assume an identical […]
Direct, indirect and total effect in spatial analysis of provincial FDI in Vietnam
By Le Van Thang (VNP 20) Supervisor: Dr. Nguyen Luu Bao Doan Abstract This paper investigates the spatial pattern of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) for all 63 provinces in Vietnam from 2011 to 2014. Empirical studies on locational determinants of FDI typically neglected the spatial interaction among observations which lead to inefficient and biased estimations. […]
The Capital Asset Pricing Model: Beta and what else?
By Pham Ngoc Thach (VNP 20) Supervisor: Dr. Vo Hong Duc Abstract It has been 50 years since the first Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) was developed by Sharpe (1964) and Lintner (1965). Similar to any other theory, CAPM has been facing with hundreds of critiques from theoreticians and empiricists. Recent evidences suggest that CAPM […]
The impact of food safety standard on coffee export. The case in Vietnam during 2005-2014
By Truong Tan Tai (VNP 20) Supervisor: Dr. Nguyen Huu Dung Abstract The objective of this study is to scrutinize the impact of FSS on the quantity of Vietnam’s coffee export. Meanwhile, the regulated number of pesticides or average maximum residue levels is usually applied as a measurement of Food Safety Standard of a country. […]
Irrigation and rice production: Evidence in Vietnam
By Le Huu Nhat Quang (VNP 20) Supervisor: Dr. Le Van Chon Abstract This thesis investigates the relationship between irrigation and rice production in the case of Vietnam. Further analyses are conducted to figure out the differences in impact on rice yield among water sources and explore whether effect of using canal for irrigation varies […]
Leaving unemployment of an individual: The impact of unemployed benefits and family’s income
By Le Thi Cam Nhung (VNP 20) Supervisor: Dr. Pham Thi Bich Ngoc Abstract This paper aims to analyze the determinants to affect the probability of having a job after a period of being unemployed of Vietnamese labor by using Vietnam household living standard survey. The study covers 1,156 observations by filtering all people in […]
The impact of technology adoption on employment structures and labor productivity a case study in Vietnam manufacturing firms form 2007 to 2013
By Nguyen Huong Nguyen (VNP 20) Supervisor: Dr. Nguyen Trong Hoai Abstract This study investigates directly the impact of technology adoption on employment structures and labor productivity in Vietnamese manufacturing firms by using the panel data from the Survey of Small and Medium Scale Manufacturing Enterprises (SMEs) from 2007 to 2013. Results show that adopting […]
Mangrove and production risk in aquaculture in Mekong river delta, Vietnam
By Do Huu Luat (VNP 20) Supervisor: Dr. Truong Dang Thuy Abstract Utilizing survey data in aquaculture activities in 2014 from the Mekong river delta Vietnam, this paper aims to examine the impact of mangrove forests on profit and profit variability in extensive and semi-intensive aquaculture farms (mostly shrimp farms). The Just-Pope framework for a stochastic […]
Income inequality and economic growth: Panel data in South East Asia
By Nguyen Le Phuong Linh (VNP 20) Supervisor: Dr. Tran Tien Khai Abstract This study has examined the impact of different levels of economic growth toward income inequality, applying the Kuznets reverted U-shape model and the Tribble S-curve model by employing the annual panel dataset from 1990 to 2012 at the country-level in the Southeast […]
The relationship between investment and dividend in cash flow uncertainty condition: A Vietnam case
By Tran Thi Nhat Linh (VNP 20) Supervisor: Dr. Vu Viet Quang Abstract This paper aims to show the relationship between investment and dividend in cash flow uncertainty condition by using data of 246 Vietnamese listed firms from 2011 to 2014. The study shows that in the relationship between investment and dividend does not significant […]
Consumer’s choice of food store for delivery in HCMC
By Phan Duy Lap (VNP 20) Supervisor: Dr. Truong Dang Thuy Abstract There has been a rapidly growing of order food online service from 2012 to 2015 in Vietnam based on data from website. was not only increased in the number of orders per month but also they got a significant risen in […]