Collateral liquidity and loan default risks: The case of Vietnam
By Nguyen Le Hieu (VNP21) Supervisor: Dr. Le Ho An Chau Abstract This thesis investigates the impact of the liquidity level of collaterals on the probability of default of individual loans and examines the channels through which collaterals affect default risks. Following the approach of Jiménez and Saurina (2004), binominal logit model is applied on […]
A comparison of accounting-based bankruptcy prediction models of Altman(1968), Ohlson(1980) and Zmijewski(1984) using Vietnamese listed companies during 2008-2014
By Nguyen Thi Phuong Tram (VNP 20) Supervisor: Dr. Nguyen Thi Thuy Linh Abstract Bankrupt prediction is practical research topic and attracts more attention of debtors, creditors, shareholders and other stakeholders. Moreover, it can be applied in a wide variety of situations to business managers make crucial decision. The bankruptcy prediction models have been developed […]
Developing an early warning system to predict currency crises in emerging markets
By Hoang Thuy Hong Nhung (VNP 18) Supervisor: Dr. Nguyen Van Ngai Abstract This thesis develops a new early warning system (EWS) model to predict the currency crises in emerging markets by using the logit regression. According to the results, the macroeconomic variables and the institution variables are valuable indicators which play important roles in […]