The effect of land fragmentation on household income in Vietnam, using VARHS2018

By Doan Nguyen Thuy (VNP 25)

Supervisor: Dr. Le Van Chon


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect that land fragmentation has on the revenue earned per person as a result of agricultural activities, as reported by the Vietnam Access to Resources Household Survey 2018. In addition to the land fragmentation index and factors related to soil quality (fertility, slope), the study investigates the impact of factors related to education and factors related to households, such as household size, marital status, or age of the household head. These factors are added to the model in order to determine the impact on the variable that is being studied, which is the land fragmentation index. Using the Cobb–Douglas production formula and the IV Test model to test the relationship between the independent variables and per capita income, the research results once again confirm the negative impact that land fragmentation has on income from agricultural activities per capita. Both of these models are based on the idea that there is a relationship between the independent variables and per capita income. On the other hand, there is no evidence to demonstrate that having a professional education has any effect on income.


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