Flood risk coping activities on the livelihood diversify of households in Dak Lak, Vietnam

By Truong Thi Thanh Thanh (VNP 25)

Supervisor: Dr. Pham Khanh Nam



Climate change is making floods increasingly impact on people's livelihoods, especially in rural areas, and changing farmers' coping strategies with floods. Using interview data set of 303 households in Dak Lak, Vietnam. This study uses Negative Binormial and logit models to assess flood factors affecting the livelihood diversification of households by the activities coping with flood risk. Research results show that flooding has a positive impact on households' decision-making to choose some form of livelihood diversification. At the same time, the data also show a high significance that the head of the house hold is male then the activities to diversify livelihoods for household during with floods is 2% higher than that female.


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